The Beginning

A big hello to everyone out there!

My name is Ash (short for Ashleigh), I’m 16 and am from New Zealand; all the way at the bottom of the world. I’m super excited to be starting a blog – in the hope that someone will one day read it. Blogging is something that I’ve wanted to do for so long, but I’ve actually been kind of scared to start one. But, I said to myself that I would try something new in 2016, so here I am starting my very first blog.

I certainly don’t lead the most interesting life as I’m still in high school and have to study and all that. On the other hand, I would still like to believe that I’m not at all boring, so here is a little bit about me.

My absolute favourite colour is light blue – evident by the colour of my room and everything in it. I’m an epee fencer, which is definitely very exciting and always tiring. I love to sing anywhere and everywhere, even though I can’t hit any of the notes (the fact that the rest of my family own noise cancelling headphones should give you an indication of my talent). In my spare time, I either love to cuddle up reading a good book, scroll through social media (mainly watching my favourite Youtubers) or you’ll find me in the kitchen, baking up a storm. And yes, I am a devoted foodie. Something I also absolutely love and can hopefully share with you all, is my love for travelling. I’m very fortunate to have parents who love travelling and they’ve taken me around the world to many countries. But hopefully, there is still a lot of travelling to be done!

I’m still not entirely sure what I want this blog to be all about. To be entirely truthful, even as I write this I still haven’t come up with a name for the blog. But I hope that it will encompass everything I love: lifestyle, travel, baking and all things beauty. This blog will also be a good chance for me to improve my writing skills and rediscover my creative spirit (which I seemed to have lost over the years). I really want to be able to discover, share and learn with my blog and hopefully take you along with me for the ride!

Please feel free leave a comment with any feedback or tips that would be useful for a beginner blogger and also so that I can go check out your amazing blogs!!





7 thoughts on “The Beginning

  1. Good luck with your blogging endeavour I can remember starting and how crazy it all is to begin with! Blog about what you like, don’t box yourself in to a niche necessarily and stay true to you. I look forward to reading your future posts!
    Also you live NZ, I’m so jell I want to visit so bad!


    1. Thank you so much for your advice – it made my day! You should definitely come visit NZ (even though it’s a bit far, it’s totally worth it). I loved your blog so much, I’m definitely going to have to read more of your posts later xx


  2. Hi, thank you so much for commenting on my blog! We’re both newbies! 🙂 Hope you speak to you again x I’ve followed you on bloglovin’


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